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Blogs by Erin Callinan
Erin Callinan, MSW, Founder of Beneath The Brave
8 Ways to Support Someone Refusing Mental Health Medication
I used to resist medication. I hated needing it and felt ashamed about why I needed it. I've been through the "I'm not taking this crap"...
Erin Callinan, MSW, Founder of Beneath The Brave
6 Tips for Spilling the Beans About Your Mental Health
Telling someone that you have a mental illness is, well….scary. After 20 years of living with bipolar disorder, I still find myself in...
Erin Callinan, MSW, Founder of Beneath The Brave
Anger After a Mental Health Diagnosis: I Felt it Too
How does one possibly handle the news that they will live the rest of their life with…wait for it…bipolar disorder? Oh shit. God no,...
Erin Callinan, MSW, Founder of Beneath The Brave
How I "Bought In" to Living With a Mental Illness
I hated swallowing the medication. I hated the way my cheeks felt fat. I hated how the stirring rumors of my psychotic episode resulted...
Erin Callinan, MSW, Founder of Beneath The Brave
Sh*t is a Bad Word...Suicide is Not
It’s okay to call it what it is. We don’t need to sugar coat it and dance around the word because we are too afraid of the stigma it...
Erin Callinan, MSW, Founder of Beneath The Brave
Reaching Out for Help: Showing Yourself Kindness and Love When You Need it the Most
Asking for help can be hard. Knowing when to reach out or who to talk to can often be filled with fear, insecurity, doubt, or shame. What...
Erin Callinan, MSW, Founder of Beneath The Brave
10 Tips For Parents: Navigating Your Child's Mental Health Diagnosis
“Where do I go from here? I have an infinite amount of questions and not a single answer. Where do I pull the strength from to get...
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